About Us
The Beacon Community Connections Inc. was set up in 1992 by the members of the Shepparton Baptist Church with the aim of providing quality low cost programs as a practical way of helping the Community that we live in. In particular the membership of the Shepparton Baptist Church saw the need to offer services for the socially lower economic groups and set out to endeavor to meet this need in the community of Shepparton and its surrounds.
The Beacon Community Connections Inc. seeks to show Christian compassion, care and concern and to build bridges of friendship and support without any expectation (i.e. church attendance/membership) of those who link into the services.
Beacon Community Connections Inc. operates four support programs to the wider community which is operated by a majority of volunteers and relies on sourcing funding through fundraising or donations (both financially or peoples time) to be able to continue to offer these programs.
Current Programs offered by Beacon Community Connections Inc. are:-
- Kids Connection Playgroup
- Kids Club
- Good News Counselling Service
- Community Welfare
Apart from these four support programs we are also involved in a combined safe house program with Brayton, for young girls/women who have had to leave their unsafe homes and difficult situations. They have been counselled and mentored at the Brayton (Salvation Army) facility. These girls/women are then relocated to a safe house where they are supported through a lead tenant program to transition into independence before entering into mainstream housing.
Beacon Community Connections considers it a privilege to be able to help the community and see peoples’ lives enriched by the services we offer. As a registered Deductible Gift Recipient Charity all financial donations are tax deductible and we appreciate all the support that we are given to make these programs a success.
How you Can Help.
Beacon Community Connections Inc. operates its programs by a majority of volunteers and relies on sourcing funding through fundraising or donations (both financially or peoples time) to be able to continue to offer these wonderful programs to the community.
Therefore your support matters. Here are some of the ways you can partner with us to help us keep providing the quality low cost programs for the community:
Financial Support
The Beacon Community Connections Inc. (ABN 13 159 400 810 Reg No. A0024745S) is recognised as a charitable institution and has approved deductible gift recipient (DGR) status so that all donations over $2 to Beacon Community Connections Inc. are tax deductible.
Donation of Goods.
All our programs require goods to be able to operate. Whether it be afternoon teas, crafts or paper etc. Please email beaconcc@mcmedia.com.au if you could help.
upcoming events
Come along, attend and be involved in one of our events. Our events are a chance to connect together with others and have some fun, while raising funds for the programs. The cost for these events will be minimal - with the aim of mainly covering costs plus a small extra amount toward the programs.

How to donate financially:-
- Thru Giveway program - click here to be redirected to the Giveway program.
- Direct debit:
Contact Beacon Community Connections Inc. on beaconcc@mcmedia.com.au for bank details to be emailed to you.
- Cheque - send a cheque payable to Beacon Community Connections to our head office:
The Treasurer
Beacon Community Connections Inc.
PO Box 694,
Shepparton VIC 3632
If you wish to claim your donation on your tax please forward with your donation - your name and address - and a receipt will be issued to you.