Our Mission
Beacon Community Connections Inc. is a
non-profit organisation that is committed to providing quality low cost programs as a practical way of helping the Community that we live in.
Beacon Community Connections Inc. believes that every individual - from the oldest to the youngest member in our society deserves to be enriched and supported as they go through the Journey of Life.
Our Programs
Beacon Community Connections Inc. offers four programs to the community that will support and enrich your life.
Current Programs offered by Beacon Community Connections Inc. are:-
Kids connection playgroup
Our playgroup has been running for around 20 years with a variety of different mothers, fathers and grandparents from different walks of life bringing their children along. It is a great environment to interact with other children and parents.
good news counselling service
Good News Counselling Service is not currently taking on clients. Please contact either Lifeline or Beyond Blue is you need assistance.
https://www.lifeline.org.au/ or,
community welfare
Community Welfare program provides small emergency essential provisions for those with an immediate need on an ‘once off’ basis.

As a non-profit organisation, Beacon Community Connections is very fortunate to have such wonderful volunteers and supporters that help make our programs top quality at a low cost for the community.
Beacon CC Inc would love to take this opportunity to acknowledge and say THANK YOU to both past and present, all those that help and support us to make the programs the success.