Kids Connection Playgroup is held every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday during the school term.
Sessions run from 9.30 am to 11.30 am
Where:– Shepparton Baptist Church (Cnr Wyndham & Longstaff St, Shepparton)
Monday - Tanya and team.
Tuesday - Jacquie, Gwen and team.
Wednesday - Lorraine, Tanya and team.
Thursday - Sarah, Judy and team.
What to Bring - morning tea for your child each week. (Occasionally we have shared morning tea during the term.)
Due to the demand of the sessions please contact – Jacquie 0412 755 862 or Tanya 0410 814 674 PRIOR to discuss suitability of day.
All leaders have a “Working with Children’s” Card.
Kids Connection Playgroup has been running for around 20 years with a variety of different mothers, fathers and grandparents from different walks of life bringing their children along. As the playgroup is run by members of the Shepparton Baptist Church, all our leaders are Christians and Christian themes are used throughout the year, including singing grace, songs and stories.
Our goal is to provide a safe environment for children and their parents/guardians to interact with each other who are in similiar situations as themselves.

Kids Connection Playgroup is registered with Christian Playgroup Network ( and Playgroup Victoria (